Klübersynth P 84-52 W

产品编号: 004343 Efficiency-increasing specialty lubricants for open slideways in sunroofs and steering column adjustment mechanisms in automobiles

As a manufacturer of components for the automotive industry and as an OEM you are frequently confronted with the challenge of selecting a lubricant that, most importantly, matches your requirements, but that also offers benefits in terms of assembly and maintenance. Klübersynth P 84-52 G and Klübersynth P 84-52 W are dynamically light special lubricants offering resistance to washout, based on synthetic hydrocarbons and a special PTFE. Due to their good adhesion, you can use both lubricants for open slideways where the impact of dust or liquids cannot be fully eliminated.

The products' good compatibility with elastomers over a wide service temperature range should also be noted. Klübersynth P 84-52 G and Klübersynth P 84-52 W show different colours to match those of materials commonly used for slideways (black anodised Al, natural anodised Al, CDP surfaces). Klübersynth P 84-52 W contrasts with dark materials for easier detection of the lubricant film.

Klübersynth P 84-52 W


  • Less NVH (noise, vibration, harshness) combined with good resistance to washout

  • Constant smooth operation over a wide temperature range

  • Reduced friction resistance also at low temperatures



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