Klübersynth LI 44-22 UV

产品编号: 004290 Synthetic low-temperature grease with good dampening properties

Klübersynth LI 44-22 UV is a fully synthetic, dynamically light low-temperature grease with good dampening and adhesion properties as well as water resistance. It is based on synthetic hydrocarbons, lithium soap, antifriction solid lubricants as well as corrosion and oxidation inhibitors.

Klübersynth LI 44-22 UV is almost neutral towards many plastics and elastomers.

Klübersynth LI 44-22 UV


  • Synthetic low-temperature grease with good dampening properties

  • UV indicator for quality control

  • Almost neutral towards many plastics

  • Low frictional torques

  • Resistant to ageing



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