Klüberalfa XZ 3-1 LV

产品编号: 810037 Dispersant, solvent and detergent

Klüberalfa XZ 3-1 LV is a dispersant, solvent and detergent for use in combination with PFPE lubricants. Its chemical composition is similar to that of perfluorinated polyether (PFPE). For this reason, lubricants based on PFPE are solved or dispersed in Klüberalfa XZ 3-1 LV. Klüberalfa XZ 3-1 LV is not a chlorinated fluorocarbon (CFC) and is therefore not subject to the CFC/halon prohibition ordinance.

Klüberalfa XZ 3-1 LV


  • Improves the adhesion of PFPE lubricants on metal surfaces

  • Facilitates removal of PFPE lubricants

  • Facilitates application of PFPE lubricants in dispersed form



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